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Net Bookings 2021

Net Bookings 2021

Dylan Assani31 Mar 2021 - 17:15
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Let's get back to playing cricket!

Hello The Manor,
Please see below the link to our Nets booking system for this year.
Net Booking

Both nets are available for bookings!

Rules for the Nets:

  • Up to 6 members are allowed to use the nets at a time
  • Colts must be accompanied by an adult
  • If colts are training with fellow colts, a maximum of two households are permitted
  • When booking a net, please ENTER THE NAME OF ALL PARTICIPANTS on Doodle on a single line
  • For Parents attending with colts, the parents name must be listed first followed by the rest of the players names. For example Dylan (P), Player 1, ..., Player 5
  • Lead parent is responsible for the welfare of the children they attend with
  • A maximum of THREE sessions per week only
  • Sessions consist of 50 minutes, please allow 10 minutes change over
  • Nets must be locked after usage, regardless of whether other members are waiting
  • All rubbish must be taken at the end of your session
  • No vehicles are to be driven down to the nets
  • All players must comply with the Covid-19 guidelines as per public health England

The documents attached explain the guidelines which must be followed. These will be displayed at the ground incase our members need reminding.

Only registered members of The Manor will be able to use our facilities.

Should you have any questions, or need any further information, please contact Dylan Assani who will be happy to help.

Thank you all, play safe!


HMCC Covid Guidelines


Recreational Cricket Covid Guidance


HMCC Covid Check for Outdoors


HMCC Risk Assessment

Further reading